Checking out the selling activity on eBay

To find out what is actually selling on eBay is really easy. You can do it either manually or statistically.

If you are a relatively new eBay user, then the most simple way to know the selling activity on eBay is to go to your category, mark the ‘Completed listings’ in the left-hand menu, and then click the ‘Show items’ button. Sort them according to the highest price first, and you will get all the items that sell for the highest prices. Naturally, this does not stay the same for a long time in most categories. Yet, it is good to have an idea. If you think you have an item that you can offer for sale for a lower price than the kind of prices it is already selling for, do not hesitate and post it in your auctions..

If you are thinking of using eBay's search, then think again. It is a bit slow and difficult to use and you are unlikely to come across what you are looking for. However, there are other ways to adopt in order to find out exactly what is selling and what is not .

A deep statistical analysis of what is selling on eBay might sound so complicated. Do not worry . It can be done.

Type the word "eBay analysis" into a search engine. Do not be surprised with the long list that will come out. Through what is known as a "programming interface" eBay makes all of its market data available to third party developers who will take all the market data from eBay and study them for you.

From a personal point of view, Andale ( provides some of the most effective eBay statistics tools out there. Andale is one of the firmest and oldest service providers for eBay. They will offer you a web-based tool and you will probably have to buy a software, such as Auction Intelligence, to be installed on your computer, to get the work done. This program comes with tutorials and help, so practically it will do all the work for you. However, do not expect to get it for free, because eBay charges Andale for the information given to them.

A quick, broad ranged look on what people are buying on eBay can only be found on "". This eBay page includes a list of the top 10 "most searched for" items and the top 5 largest eBay stores. By searching this page you will come across the most recent selling activity on eBay. Nowadays, it is media items, either books or music, that people are interested in. Taking the words "i Pod" and "i Pod mini" as example, you will find that they come at the fourth and sixth place on the list of "the most searched for items" on eBay. Finding a trust worthy provider who can supply you with cheap, good quality i Pods is your way to start making a lot of cash.

However, good, reliable suppliers are not always right at the doorstep. Yet, not finding a supplier should not be the end of your trip on eBay. There are a number of ways that you can adopt to detect the selling activity on eBay. And believe me, you will find something to sell.